16 days remain...
but only one remains before the WCC Tip-Off Event!
Tomorrow's event is more interactive than ever, featuring Google+ Hangouts with the players and commissioner Jamie Zaninovich, question submission for on Twitter and interviews streaming on both TheW.tv and WCC Live.
If you can, you should be planning to catch the whole event on TheW.tv. However, if work gets in the way - good luck taking a break from 10:30 AM until 1:00 in the afternoon - you might want to tune in to see just your team's coach and player take the stage. Here's the schedule for the live video stream on TheW.tv.
Thursday, October 24th, 2013
10:30 - Randy Bennett and Beau Levesque, Saint Mary's
10:45 - Bill Grier and Johnny Dee, San Diego
11:00 - Rex Walters and Chris Adams, San Francisco
11:15 - Kerry Keating and Yannick Atanga, Santa Clara
11:30 - Dave Rose and Matt Carlino, BYU
11:45 - Mark Few and Sam Dower, Gonzaga
12:00 - Max Good and Anthony Ireland, LMU
12:15 - Ron Verlin and Tony Gill, Pacific
12:15 - Ron Verlin and Tony Gill, Pacific
12:30 - Marty Wilson and Brendan Lane, Pepperdine
12:45 - Erik Reveno and Ryan Nicholas, Portland
Take a look at the complete release from the WCC for more information. The same format is set up for the women's so check up on them too.